Thursday, 29 January 2015

Carved Wooden Panels

I got these 5 pieces of carvings which were ripped off from ancient panels of China's doors or cupboards, I am not sure. I kept them in my storage for years before deciding to mount them together on a huge crimson red board to act as its canvas.

The red and gold pieces combination make a striking picture on my bare walls. I thought they were wooden carvings that were part of the Chinese Bridal Beds but the carvings showed a different picture.

 On closer look, the picture seems to tell a popular story of the Chinese folklore tales of the 8 Immortals or perhaps some activities of the 18 Lohans. (See Below)

An Arahant, or Lohan in Chinese, is one who has attained Enlightenment. The term "Arahant" is often used in Hinayana Buddhism. In Mahayana Buddhism, one who has attained Enlightenment is called a Buddha. The term "Lohan" is often used in Chinese Buddhism to denote a disciple who learned directly from the Buddha. 



  1. wow!! That is beautiful!!!! -

  2. wow!! That is beautiful!!!! -

  3. I really wonder where did you get these antique craved wooden panels from. They look ancient and so skillfully carved. Are they now on the walls of the house you are living in now or in one of your many other houses?

    1. They were ripped off from old mansions in China and thrown onto the streets for sale. After the cultural revolution, most mainlanders do not have religion or slightest art appreciation for their antiques. Their many museums tend to attract only foreign tourists and their own historians.
      I bought them and sprayed gold again before mounting them onto the painted red board.

      It is hanging on the wall of the only miserable home I live.

    2. Oh the gold is sprayed again. Your home is not miserable.

  4. I am back after reading all your posts. I would be in awe to look at your collection in real life. Are you selling any piece? Just asking, not that I am rich enough to buy even one.

    1. Honestly I am not selling right now. I created this post after getting offers from Melaka's small curio shops to be their supplier since they mistakenly thought I am a frequent visitor to China to buy antiques. I am not a buyer but accidental collector when many pieces were handed down to me. The collections grew over the year.
      Someday I may sell some pieces to those shops and use this blog as a browsing catalogue & remembrance for me.

    2. So sayang to sell them.

  5. What a beautiful collection of antiques. I particularly love the golden dragon teapot set - the design and embossed surface is really nice!
